
Stormy weather

I finally got to meet Martin R's delightful family. I considered for a moment taking it over, but relented.

As I rode the bus out to Martin's summer house in the archipelago, the sun was shining brightly but during the day clouds rolled in with increasing winds and as night fell a full storm developed. I lay awake a long while, watching the wind blowing wild waves across the bay and bending the trees on the isle.

In the morning the wind had abated somewhat but sheets and veils of rain still ran across the sea. As we packed and decamped I got rather wet but now at home with my fluffy bathrobe around me and sweet peppermint tea inside me I am feeling very pleased with having braved the elements.


Martin said...

Great having you over! I've got a fine shot of you reading to Signe, coming soon to a mailbox near you.

kai said...

Thank you! Reading bed-time stories is a pleasure I've missed, as the Only-begotten Children soon decided they'd rather read on their own, so as not to be limited by when my voice gave out, but tomorrow I'll be babysitting Denephew and we will certainly read stories then. (And he has told me we'll make a Secret together and we won't tell the rest of you, nyah, nyah!)

Anonymous said...

Du pappa, jag lyssnade på godnattsagor tills jag var typ 11-12, men det var mamma som läste dem för att du inte orkade/ville/whatever! Bah! Skylla ifrån sig på det där viset!

kai said...

Jag köper inte den tolkningen. Kom och gräla med mig privat istället.

Anonymous said...

Haha, det var inte alls meningen att låta arg. Nej jag tror det var för att du hade så fullt upp på jobbet, vad jag kan erinra mig. :O

kai said...

Pappors dåliga samveten är inte att leka med, vet du…