

We went and saw Inception the other day. The idea was interesting, but I was a bit disappointed to find that special effects and action still are equated with explosions and shooting. Certainly there must be something else to come up with? The zero-g scenes were brilliantly executed, though.

Then of course, real dreams are a lot more bizarre: in the dream I woke up from the morning after, I had been running in clogs through Vasastan, trying to find the model of USS Saratoga that I’d forgotten in the top basin of the (actually non-existent) multi-level water works running down Odengatan, even though I knew it would be ruined. As I ran, I passed a primly-clad woman reaching deep into the US-style gutters in order to dig out duck carcasses. No explosions.


Martin said...

That's an excellent dream! Who is directing the movie?

kai said...

Inception? Christopher Nolan. He also wrote the script.

My dream, on the other hand, I didn’t get to see the credits for.

OBD said...

Inatt drömde jag att det var julafton, men när jag skulle hämta julklapparna hade de stått för länge och paketsnörena hade torkat som vissna blommor. Jag var tvungen att slå in alla paket på nytt och jag blev jättestressad men det gick inte, pappret bara halkade av. Då fick jag ett utbrott och skrek och sprattlade så folk var tvungna att hålla fast mig. Det var ingen bra dröm :(

kai said...

Men kära nån ett sånt elände.