To celebrate the anniversary I have started reading Evolutionary Analysis. Expect a report in the fullness of time.
Jag har en artikel från Illustrerad Vetenskap där det står: "I sin dagbok antecknade Darwin sina tankar, bland annat betydelsen av alla galapagosfinkar". Där har du en riktig vetenskapsman!
The Darwin Awards are aperiodically awarded by popular acclaim to those who improve the human gene pool by removing themselves from it in ways that demonstrate that their removal constitutes an improvement.
Biggles jagar kidnapparna W E Johns, transl M K:son Lindberg. Disappointly little flying.
Duell på månen S C Swahn. [Reread] The film would have had a soundtrack by Ralph Lundsten.
B-25 Mitchell in action E R McDowell. US-centric again.
Rymdväktaren P Nilson. There Are Things Man Was Not Meant To Know!
Handledning i praktiken: Om studenters självständighet och akademiska litteracitet J Magnusson & M Zackariasson. Teacher education is not the whole world.
I Can Count To 10 R Dirge. Where is 0?
Places I keep track of
IPMS Stockholm One of the best plastic modelling forums you'll find.
Jag har en artikel från Illustrerad Vetenskap där det står: "I sin dagbok antecknade Darwin sina tankar, bland annat betydelsen av alla galapagosfinkar".
Där har du en riktig vetenskapsman!
Men vad är betydelsen av Galapagosfinkar?
Det vet bara Darwin, i djupet av sitt hjärtas hemligheter.
The Darwin Awards are aperiodically awarded by popular acclaim to those who improve the human gene pool by removing themselves from it in ways that demonstrate that their removal constitutes an improvement.
I have a song about them here.
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