

In the book I'm currently reading the author expounds on her tendency to become ill while travelling: “…and I ask you—I beg of you!—who gets sunburned in Stockholm?”

Well, I do. Quite regularly every summer, even though I try to stay out of the sun. Did she think we all live underground and never go out?


tingotankar said...

Haven't you heard? We've got a different sun here - only out at night...

Getting sun-burnt in London would be far more impressive.

kai said...

It's like my mother always insists I put on extra woollen socks when I visit her, because “the cold is different outside the city”…

I don't know about London, but I've gotten sunburned in Cambridge.

Anonymous said...

Åh, hon dotter av skabbiga hundar. ENda anledningen till att jag inte blir solbränd är att jag i princip inte går ut på sommardagar utan väntar till kvällen, och smörjer mig med spf 30 vareviga timme när jag väl är ute. Hmpf! Har hon inte hört talas om hålet i ozonlagret?!?!?!?!?