
The mauve bathroom is no more

Quite apart from the colour scheme, my bathroom has been in urgent need of renovation. In fact I have been rather concerned with the possibility of water damages. So now I had saved up enough money to afford the work and sent out queries on Bello. About half a dozen contractors responded and I asked them in to make cost estimates. These ranged from 25 kSEK to over a 100. Bello lets the customers give quality assessments of the contractors, so I could with good conscience drop the lowest bidders, as they seemed to perform at lowest quality as well. The highest bidder also had top marks for all criteria, but I just couldn't afford them, so the guy in the middle it was.

They did a decent enough job, though they left cement dust over absolutely everywhere. I'll be dusting it off the furniture from here to Christmas I fear. My downstairs neighbours were also rather upset when the contractors managed to smash through their ceiling, but they sorted things out without me having to take further part in the proceedings.

A bit to my surprise I found I have no pictures of the bathroom from before the renovation started, but here are a few shots from during the process itself.

Tools, tiles and grout all over the hallway.The walls torn out, the floor drain relocated.Junk to be taken away.
Nice new shower doors.Blinding white porcelain.Ivar FTW in the bathroom too.

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